“Maestro Bono studied conducting with me in 2007 in a masterclass with the Wiener Musikseminar. His fire and temperament convinced me to invite him for further post-gradual studies at the Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien this past year. There again his discipline, dedication and musicality impressed not only me but also Maestro Fabio Luisi, who taught Maestro Bono in a masterclass. For me the most impressive moment was a rehearsal of Mahler’s Fourth Symphony: Maestro Bono had broken his glasses; other conductors might have decided not to conduct in the orchestra rehearsal, but Maestro Bono memorized the score in every detail including the rehearsal letters, conducted brilliantly and corrected mistakes from memory. The orchestra gave him a standing ovation. His future will be enormous, he is a tremendous conductor and will go far!”
Mark Stringer
Professor, Orchestral Conducting
Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien